Sunday, October 27, 2024
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City of Banjul


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It is time to challenge this false and dangerous dichotomy in politics again because politics has morals, principle, and integrity thus politics has permanent friends. What is said in this false dichotomy is that politicians cannot accord themselves with a minimal set of moral standards and principles. In effect, we are saying we lack politicians with integrity, that politicians prioritise their own self-interest over the interest of those elected them or those asking for their votes. That notion is false and dangerous dichotomy because we have seen the likes of Halifa Sallah, Ousainou Darboe, Sidia Jatta, Amadou Sanneh, Amie Sillah, Aji Yam Secka, Sam Sillah, Kemeseng, Suwaibou Touray, Aji Sukai Naka, Adama Bah and many others who have given their lives in their political careers. Halipha Sallah, Sidia Jatta, Amie Sillah, Sam Sarr, Suwaebou Conateh, Adama Bah we have seen these people stood by their principles, integrity, and belief since the PPP days. We have also seen Ousainaou Darbo, Amadou Sanneh, Kemeseng Jammeh, Aji Yam Secka, Aji Sukaina Kah, Yamundow Jaye Yarbo stood their principles, integrity and belief since the APRC days.

These are men and women who stood their ground despite the loss of income, arrest, detention, killings, jobs in the public office, contracts in their private practices, based on integrity and principles. So we the young generation of Gambians in politics have no excuse and reasons to do otherwise or even believe in this false and dangerous dichotomy. These men and women have continuously stood their ground under every difficult circumstance to make sure that they set the standard and the political foundation for us to follow. The standard for political engagement has been set with clear visible guidelines to follow because these men and women stood together until today, indeed politics has permanent friends based on principles and integrity. People leave a party because they do not agree with the principles, policies of the party, not what we are seeing in this new breed of Politicians. Politicians move from one party to the other due to disagreement on policies and principles and not to the highest bidder.

So, what we are seeing over the years is not what politics is about, but the rise of Political Entrepreneurs where political corruption defeats political integrity and principle, manipulating policies, institutions, and rules of law. All this for private gain and gross conflicts of interest dipping their hands in state resources and money and awarding unnecessary projects to families, friends, and close associates. Seeing Politics as an opportunity to boost one’s ego and satisfy a craving for publicity. A means to promote one’s societal status or to enhance personal financial ambitions. Providing the moment for corrupt looting of state coffers and taxpayers’ money for party or personal financial gain. Promoting and facilitating dubious business dealings with governments, organisations, companies, or individuals who promise financial or other forms of personal or party rewards in return for preferential treatment. Deflecting the nation’s attention away from government failures and using deceit, half truths and lies to fraudulently boast to naive people about their so-called progress and achievements.
That is a Political Entrepreneur not that politics does not have permanent friends or enemies but interests. This is false and dangerous!!

Political Entrepreneurs corrupt politics because they make private gains when they are entrusted not to precisely do that. I can forgive those who spread the notion of politics as having no permanent friends or enemies but interests. People feel frustrated, dissatisfied, betrayed, and concerned about the behavior of our new breed political elites because it is like the saying « Politics is about help me and make me rich or successful» “Elect me and make me rich and successful” That is the trait of a Political Entrepreneur and not politics. Politics has morals, integrity, and principles!!

What we are seeing recently is not the standard and foundation that have been set by by the Halifa Sallah, Ousainou Darboe, Sidia Jatta, Amadou Sanneh, Amie Sillah, Aji Yam Secka, Sam Sarr, Kemeseng Jammeh, Suwaibou Touray, Aji Sukai Naka, Adama Bah, Yamundow Jaye Yarbo etc. but a reflection of greedy and self–centred Political Entrepreneurs who do not care for others who are hungry, poor or do not have where to get their next meal. It is all about personal interest and gain in building empires of political thugs, fraudsters and drug moguls. They are all interrelated and connected making it difficult for all the institutions to effectively work and protect the citizens.That is what Political Entrepreneurs do because politics have permanent friends, integrity, and principle.

Integrity and principle is everything in politics or at least it should be. Thus, it is urgent for people to reflect on and re-examine what kind of politicians the country needs to reverse its decline and fulfil its undoubted potential to deliver a better life for all its citizens. A political career should be seen as a call to public service inspired by a personal desire to project and apply ideologies, values, principles and policies that optimally benefit the nation’s socioeconomic well-being. A political career should be practised with integrity, moral and principle and an adequate degree of humility and compassion.
Civil society has a lot of work to do and that is the education of the mind to ensure good people understand the implications and benefits of political representation.

Indeed, Politics have permanent friends!!!

By Ndey Jorbateh

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