The Executive Director of GAMCOTRAP, Dr. Isatou Touray, has promised to keep up the battle against what she has referred to as the damaging practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).
In reaction to a move by Hon. Sulayman Saho to revoke the legislation that forbade FGM in the nation, the former vice president of the Gambia said this on Twitter.
“Let’s speak up, show bravery, and participate in civic dialogue in our communities to put an end to FGM in the Gambia’s entrenched FGM areas. I will not stop working to put an end to this cruel practice as long as I am alive,” she stated.
Dr. Touray voiced his profound sadness at the reversal of the gains gained in the Gambia’s fight against FGM.
“It is a step in the wrong way for elected and appointed Assembly Gambia members to pursue the removal of a law that defends women’s sexual and reproductive rights. After working in the field for 40 years, I am aware that many women suffer in silence as a result of FGM, she added.
The male National Assembly members who want to overturn the Women’s Act, lamented Dr. Touray, have no concept what their loved ones go through.The FGM Act should be abolished, according to Hon. Sulayman Saho, the National Assembly representative for Badibu Central. The Act should be repealed, all National Assembly members who took part in the discussion agreed.