The Kanifing Municipal Council Staff Welfare Association through their legal representative, Sheriff Kumba and Co. has written to the CEO of Kanifing Municipal Council, Sainabou Martin Sonko, Bakary Jawo, and Baba Bass to pay the sum of GMD1, 046, 449.55 which they alleged is the amount that Sainabou Martin Sonko and the two others mentioned in the correspondence have caused in loss to the Association without just cause.

“Our instructions are that sometime in June 2021 you, Bakary Jawo, Sainabou Martin Sonko and Baba Bass solicited, applied and secured a loan of GMD12, 000, 000.00 (Twelve Million Dalasis) from AGIB Bank Gambia Ltd on behalf of the KMC Staff Welfare Association without the knowledge, approval or consent of the general membership of the Association. According to our client, the said loan facility was cancelled by the Bank at the request of the Kanifing Municipal Council as you made the Council the guarantor of the said loan facility without its knowledge, consent, authority or approval.
“Our further information is that at the time the said loan facility was cancelled, you had already caused withdrawal to be made from it and part of money withdrawn from the loan amounting to GMD1, 046. 449.55 was unable to be retrieved by the Bank. According to our client, subsequent to that, the Bank debited the KMC main account to recover the said sum of GMD1, 046, 449.55,” they said in a letter written to Sainabou Martin Sonko and her colleagues.
The letter continued; “In the same vein, the Council equally recovered the said amount from the Association welfare monthly income. Thus, our client believes that you are jointly and severally responsible and accountable for this said sum, as same was never expended into the activities of the Staff Welfare Association, but instead converted to your personal utilization. We are therefore instructed by our client to demand the reimbursement of the said sum of GMD1, 046, 449.55.
“In the light of the above, we hereby give you notice to jointly and severally pay our client the sum of GMD1, 046, 449.55 being the amount you have caused the Association to lose without a just cause. If the said sums due are not paid before the expiration of 7 days from the date of receipt of this demand letter, we shall proceed to institute lawsuit against you on behalf of KMC Staff Welfare Association to enforce all or any of the remedies available under the law,” the letter ends.