Earthquake at the Dakar court! Opposition leader Ousmane Sonko has just been placed under arrest warrant following his hearing by the senior judge, Oumar Makham Diallo. “At the end of a 4-hour hearing, the dean of the judges decided to go in the direction of the indictment of the prosecutor and awards the warrant of deposit against Ousmane Sonko”, confirms Me Khoureychi Ba defense lawyer.
The leader of Pastef, arrested on Friday following an altercation with a general intelligence agent in front of his home, has just been sent to prison.
No less than 8 charges have been brought against Ousmane Sonko: “call for insurrection, association of criminals, attack on State security, conspiracy against the authority of the State, act and maneuver to compromise the public security and to create serious political disturbances, association of criminals in connection with a terrorist enterprise, but also for theft”.