Since its creation in 1975 purposely to promote economic integration and development and then added the pursuit of peace, democracy and good governance in 1993, ECOWAS has remained unfortunately the greatest obstacle to its very objectives in West Africa! Not only did it fail to create such economic integration but also it has failed to guarantee democracy and good governance in the region as it entertains bad leadership leading to bad governance and more conflicts in the region.
The time has come for West Africans to call out ECOWAS for what it this. That is, an institution occupied by men and women who care less about the millions of their fellow West Africans but serve a tiny minority of politicians and technocrats in government and at ECOWAS headquarters in Abuja.
For most of the time, focus is mainly on the Authority of the heads of state hence the reference ‘club of presidents’. While these presidents indeed stand for each other against the interests of their people, but there are two even more important institutions of ECOWAS which are forgotten or ignored yet hold critical roles in the lives of citizens of the region.
These two institutions are the ECOWAS Commission and the ECOWAS Parliament. These two institutions are in fact the very instruments which could have helped West Africa enjoy greater peace, prosperity and democracy. Unfortunately the Commussion and the Parliament are the greatest obstacles who fail to advise, monitor, support, guide and pressure the Authority of heads of state to uphold the very protocols of ECOWAS.
An example of the inefficiency and incompetence of the ECOWAS Commission can be found in the way they have been dealing with the situation in Senegal. An evidence of that is this meaningless, vague and misleading statement they just issued on Senegal. A critical review of this statement shows that ECOWAS Commission is only cozying up to a delinquent president when they should have held him to account.
What is wrong with the Commission for failing to specifically name Pres. Macky Sall in this communique to remind him of his constitutional obligations in light of this ruling? ECOWAS has to be seen acting with responsibility, firmness and seriousness. The culprit here is President Macky Sall, hence ECOWAS should be clear, unambiguous and direct to tell him to uphold the ruling of the Constitutional Council. No one else, but him.
But this statement is nonchalant, inconsequential and ambiguous. Who are the ‘political class’? Who are ‘all stakeholders’? What is ‘show restraint’? What is ECOWAS monitoring on the ground?
The problem and the solution in Senegal is Macky Sall. It was he who unilaterally postponed the election, only to trigger protests and then ordered his forces to use violence on demonstrators while arresting, detaining, torturing and killing opponents, activists, journalists and citizens in general. Now that the Constitutional Council has decided, it is for Ecowas Cedeao to tell the President to respect the ruling and uphold the Constitution.
After having failed to address the situation in Senegal all this while which was caused by the Government of Macky Sall, ECOWAS has now an opportunity to use this ruling to salvage itself and show West Africans that it is a credible, efficient and competent organization that they can rely on. ECOWAS should have celebrated this ruling and put it to President Sall that he has to comply. ECOWAS cannot claim ignorance of the situation in Senegal or any other West African country!
But this statement is weak and misguided to say the least and shameful at worst. It is not putting any pressure on the Government rather it is providing a valve for the Government to breathe and find excuse.
The Senegalese opposition and citizens have been responsible stakeholders. They have been standing on the path of the law. They have been exercising their constitutional rights ever since. The only belligerent and violator has been the Government of Macky Sall. Therefore ECOWAS Commission must speak to the issue than seeking to divert and confuse the matter.
Time has come to put the limelight on the ECOWAS Commission and the ECOWAS Parliament.
This statement is not what Senegalese and West Africans deserve!
By Madi Jorbateh