The outpouring of solidarity towards the Wal Fadjri Group continues unabated. After Bougane GUEYE and many other personalities, it is the turn of the bosses of the Futurs Medias Group (GFM) to show their support for the Land Front press group.
Indeed, this Sunday, June 18, Youssou NDOUR and his brother Bouba NDOUR made the trip to Me Cheikh NIASS to show him all their compensation following the suspension of the WALFTV signal operated on June 1 by the State of Senegal through its Ministry of Communication.
For the Ndouts, it is also a sign of good neighborliness between the two families who have maintained good relations for years. Thus, Youssou NDOUR testified to the boss of the Wal Fadjri group his desolation at this suspension while renewing his active solidarity.