Saturday, October 26, 2024
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City of Banjul


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To whom much is given, much is expected!

The name calling trend continues once again. The President asked a rhetorical question about whom we entrust our resources and collected taxes to? “It is given to President Barraw and I determine how it’s used.” In real President barrow style of name calling he proceeded to once again name call Gambians . Below is his statement verbatim.

“Today, all the country’s resources and collected taxes under whose care it is? it is given to President Barrow to look after, and wherever I want it to be put at, it will be. So If you want to help, you want to help the people of the country, take the country forward and you don’t want to work together with him, Wolahi , “Kutou’s” mouth has nothing inside but just air, you will work hard and you will have nothing to show for it.” Speech at The Welcoming of Ramou Sabally at State House by President Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia

This statement is a violation of people’s human rights, rights of association and a very worrying behavior of the President. The wealth and taxes of this country does not belong to President Barrow nor is it given to him to spend as he wishes but a trustee of our sovereign wealth and not for private and NPP enrichment. The weaponization of our taxes and revenues is an abuse of power. This statement by President Barrow undermines his obligation to the electorate. Misusing the power entrusted to him which should be used to improve the living standard of the people. President Barrow and his Government build loyalty by granting favours to their party militants and close associates to the detriment of others who are not associated with NPP. This act relegates hard work in public and private institutions to the doldrums paving the way for sycophancy, nepotism and political victimisation of President Barrow’s critics or opponents. In some instances leading to exclusion in public employment, public contracts, private sector jobs, isolation etc. The lines are so blurred that State House is now turned into an NPP Political Bureau where people’s visit is based on party loyalty, support and tribe. Leading to our current predicament, the practice of exchanging political and economic favours amongst The President, State Officials, their close associates and NPP Militants. It’s about time we call it what it is, Political Corruption.

Accessing resources meant for the public and diverting them for NPP Militants, State Officials and personal good is the new norm. The President overlooks his role and responsibility to the people, priorities are misplaced, and the standards of some social values are at rock bottom. The President and state Officials leading flamboyant and affluent lifestyles, privatising the public good for their personal and NPP party purposes. It’s sad that the president thinks all roads should lead to Statehouse if the country is to develop.The scrambles for voters are no longer driven by a desire to serve but to loot. There is no dispute of the fact that the “moral” problems associated with corruption in Gambia are the cause of poverty, hunger, mass exodus of young people through the backway to Europe, poor health facility and lack of access to them , drug abuse in the country etc. Political and economic inequality is the order of the day as Gambia’s struggle for survival and proper means of alleviation of their precarious situations. While the President and his government engage in flexing their muscles in dragging Gambians to join the NPP Party or starve. Misuse of public/ governmental power for illegitimate purposes is of great concern to the people. The change in leadership has not resulted in a fall in levels of corruption but an entrenchment of Political Corruption.

What the president fails to understand is that his government is tasked with providing the enabling environment that would facilitate the development of the private sector. In the absence of what seems to be a lack of understanding of the role of the presidency and substituting it for political corruption will not yield any development dividends.

The fate of our society is at stake because Political Corruption is destroying our economic, cultural and social structures, leading to economic and social degradation. While the Country’s leadership seems to lack basic understanding of his role ,consequently pose a threat to our development trajectory . Everyday necessities are difficult or downright impossible to access, in other words, people struggle to get to work, people can’t afford to eat as much as they could, affordable health care butchered on the orders of people who understand nothing not even the consequences of their actions and utterances.

I quote: “Scandals are numerous, ministers grow rich, their wives doll themselves up, the members of parliament feather their nests and there is not a soul down to the simple policemen or the customs officer who does not join in the great procession of corruption.” Frantz Fanon, 1961, The Wretched of the Earth

For us to clean up governance, we must first starve and eradicate the beast of Political Corruption. The first point of call-in ensuring integrity of governance is to have a mental transformation in the whole accountability chain. The public sector must accept that bribery is wrong, and that demanding bribes is wrong. The authorities must accept that using their position to influence to induce and loot is wrong.The private citizen must know that directly taking part in corrupt activities and abetting corruption are equally wrong. Public awareness raising to execrate the corrupt and not glorify them. Dismantle the system that facilitates,authorises and glorifies it.

Enlightening students from primary through to tertiary level on corruption and the importance of preventing and countering corruption.Mechanisms to capture those outside of the formal education system should also be pursued . People need to understand the negative effects of corruption on their lives and the lives of generations yet unborn. This message should be simplified for every citizen to understand it.

Political Corruption must be socially criminalised. Let’s stop arguing against Political Corruption, as there has been enough of that, let us take up a fight against Political Corruption.

Once again. Mr President “ to whom much is given , much is expected” .Stop weaponising your position against the very people who elected you. People do not have to be in your camp to develop the country. People can work independently. Promote economic entrepreneurships and not sycophancy.


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