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Police officer Ancy Jawo described her terrifying experience of escaping the shooting at the Sukuta Jabang Traffic Lights on September 12, 2023, which claimed the lives of her coworkers, Pateh M. Jallow and Sang J. Gomez.

For the first time since the tragedy last year, Ancy Jawo broke her silence and gave her firsthand testimony in court. She related the terrible incidents in which her coworkers were shot dead while keeping an eye on illicit vehicle racing at traffic signals.

Ms. Jawo, who joined the Gambia Police Force in 2022—just one year before to the horrific events at Sukuta Jabang Traffic Lights—gave insight into her comparatively short career.

As Ms. Jawo questioned the accused, Ousainou Bojang and Amie Bojang, she confirmed that she recognised Ousainou Bojang from his phone image.

She informed the court, “I recognised one of the accused persons (Ousainou Bojang) because I saw his picture on a mobile phone.”

Ms. Jawo testified in court that she was on the roadway at the Sukuta Jabang Traffic Lights on September 12, 2023.

“We went there on assignment, and we were there specifically for the boys who race cars. We stayed there until around nine o’clock at night, according to her testimony.

“To whom do you refer when you say we?” A.M. Yusuf, the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), inquired.

“I refer to myself (Ancy Jawo), Pateh M. Jallow, and Sang J. Gomez, my coworkers. We were present because that is often a busy time there. As a result, we were available. We heard a gunshot while we were there until nine o’clock. Sang J. Gomez and I turned to look at Pateh’s side when we heard the gunshot and realised that Pateh had been hit.

Sang J. Gomez was shot by the gunman as he and I raced towards Pateh. I was shot after I tried to find out who was firing the rounds and where they were coming from when Sang J. Gomez was shot. Ancy Jawo testified in court that she was shot and that as a result, she fell before taking two or three steps, lost consciousness, and saw herself in the hospital.

Ms. Jawo informed the court that she saw herself at the Ndemban Clinic in Bakau when the hospital asked where she had seen herself.

“Is there anything you remember happening when you saw yourself in the hospital?” DPP Yusuf enquired.

“I watched them stitch up the gunshot wound and fix the oxygen.” I performed a chest X-ray and was referred to Banjul that same evening. I was allowed to stay in Banjul till the next day after I done that. I performed a chest X-ray the next day as well,” she testified in court.

According to Ms. Jawo, she had a Wednesday at around 2:00 pm chest X-ray, and then the surgical team and doctors arrived to let her know she was going to have surgery.
Subsequently, the doctors instructed me to sign a document regarding the operation, which I duly did. I was transported upstairs to the operation room after signing and remained there until after 2:00 pm. After that, the doctors operated on me and brought me to the intensive care unit (ICU). After receiving treatment there for a week or so, I was released and brought to the Banjul hospital’s Private Ward. After that, I was let go,” she informed the judge.

“Have you been given appointments to return there after your discharge?” DPP Yusuf enquired.

Yes, I did receive an appointment and instructions to go to Brikama, which was the closest hospital. I now travel to Banjul for my appointment from there. I was heading to Brikama to get dressed,” Ancy Jawo stated in court.

“Have you seen any medical reports during your stay at Banjul hospital or after your discharge?” DPP Yusuf re-asked.

She stated in her testimony, “I saw the medical report with the prosecutor; I was not given the medical report directly.”

“Exactly where were you at the traffic lights at Sukuta Jabang?”DPP Yusuf enquired.

“The turn table is after the roundabout when coming from Brikama, and before the roundabout when coming from Brikama,” the woman stated.

Ms. Jawo confirmed to the court under cross-examination that she had in fact given a statement to the police after the incident. She told the court that she gave the officer who recorded her narrative her phone number in addition to her signature on the statement.

When the statement was later shown to Ancy Jawo, who had provided the statement to the police, she attested to its veracity.

Next, Ousainou Bojang’s attorney, Lamin J. Darboe, asked for the statement to be included in the Defense’s evidence. Its admissibility was not contested by the Prosecution.

The statement was admitted into evidence and marked as Defence exhibit D10 by Presiding Judge Hon. Ebrima Jaiteh.

Counsel LJ Darboe asked Ancy Jawo where the nearby eatery was located at the Sukuta Jabang Traffic Lights, and Jawo responded by confirming its presence.

“Are you awake when you arrived at Ndemban?” Attorney LJ Darboe enquired. “No,” was her reply.

“When did you start to feel normal again?” Lawyer LJ Darboe enquired once again.

“Ndemban, when I got to the hospital,” she answered.

She was unable to recall the exact time she became conscious again in the hospital, though. Ms. Jawo claimed that the only visitors she had throughout her hospital stay were top police officers and physicians.

“Those Senior Officers, who are they?” Attorney LJ Darboe enquired.
Ancy Jawo testified in court, “I didn’t recognise them and I won’t be able to say that because by then I was in pain.”
The matter was then postponed until Tuesday.

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