Lamin Suso, the financial director of the Basse Area Council (BsAC), according to Muhammad Suso, a tax collector who testified last week before the Local Government Commission of Inquiry. Several witnesses at the Commission have accused Lamin Suso, the finance director of the Basse Area Council, of taking physical cash from revenue collectors and concealing it, despite the fact that established regulations and policies mandate that revenue collectors deposit the money they have collected to the bank. Additionally, the witness acknowledged providing cash to the finance director. In his testimony, Mr. Suso also mentioned a time when he asked the council for a loan, but was told by the finance director, Lamin Suso, and the finance manager, Malafi Badjie, that the council did not have the money to provide him one. He added: "If you leave it there, they will frustrate you by telling you that there is no money in the council's account, and they will go ahead and receive the money in your name. He went on to say that he took the application from them and submitted it to the office of the Chief Executive Officer. I pulled the document away from them because if I had left it, they would have accepted it and taken the money. The witness further told the Commission that he was suspended for a month as a result of accepting the aforementioned people's loan application once again. He claimed to have proof that the Finance Director had previously received loans in the applicants' names. He said, "The Finance Director misled us. According to the witness, the reason for his suspension was because he made his line manager seem bad. The witness even claimed that revenue collections were formerly handled by the finance manager and director of finance. "They used to raise money even in my neighborhood. I'm well aware of that, he said in court.