Citizens’ Alliance (CA) Secretary General and Party Leader Dr. Ismaila Ceesay has endorsed President Adama Barrow’s Jarra Soma statement and argued that laws should be enacted to prosecute social media insulters.
“We have a large number of alarmists in the Gambia; they exaggerate the extent of the problem. Which dictatorship is returning to Gambia? If you know the president, you know that temperament is not his. He is not the type of dictator. He is a type of democrat that is uncommon in Africa; he is known for his commitment to democracy, which is why we have reached this level. In response to a query about the president’s statement, he told Star TV that Millennium Challenge Corporation is pleased with Gambia’s democracy and is giving the country money to strengthen it.
During his meeting in Jarra Soma, the lecturer in political science asserted that he performed as expected.
“What the president did in Soma was the proper course of action. To protect and secure his people. I have witnessed a great deal of slander in the Gambia, and before social media, we all operated in the physical space. If I insulted or struck you simply by looking at you, would you not report me to the police? Now we are in virtual space as opposed to physical space. On social media, you will be insulted by strangers. This should be governed.
“We must enact legislation. Because this cannot continue, we must enact laws to regulate our virtual interactions in the same way we regulated our physical interactions. This is what the president means when he says he will not tolerate people who harass others. And occasionally, what occurs on social media causes individuals to commit suicide, while others are traumatized. You cannot sit, and young children will denigrate you and your parents from behind the keyboard; when you encounter them on the street, they will be afraid to even greet you. This impoliteness must cease in this country,” he said.
Citizens’ Alliance (CA) Secretary General and Party Leader is Dr. Ismaila Ceesay.