Fellow Party militants, well-wishers, Gambians and non Gambians residing in The Gambia, my warmest seasonal greetings to you all.
As we witness the end of 2023, I thank Allah (S.W.T) for successfully sailing us through 2023 and pray that HE guides us through 2024 with good health, peace, progress and prosperity. May I further thank the APRC National Executive Committee, party militants, sympathizers and well-wishers both here and the diaspora for yoursupport, commitment and loyalty that enabled us surmount all difficulties and challenges in our bid to consolidate the gains and unity of the party.
The beginning of every Year is a time to reflect with immense gratitude on the challenges and accomplishments of the last 12 months and theformulation of a roadmap in the coming year.
Together we identify what worked and what did not which will inform what would be the road mapfor 2024
It is obvious that, the party has experienced some challenging circumstances which were hard to consume and quite disturbing to face. However, we were all resolute and feared no sacrifice to surmount all challenges to succeed
The New Year avails every member of APRC Party and its sympathizers 365 days to write eye-catching stories about yourself and Party for now and for generations to come.
Fellow party militants,
The Alliance For Patriotic, Re-orientation and Construction (APRC) has gone through many trying times from 2017 to 2019, and 2019 to date. It was difficult and challenging to transit from a ruling party to an opposition party. There were lots of circumstances that were hard to accept. Most notably was the internal misinformation that happened within our ranks in relation to our alliance with the National People’s Party. Few among the ranks misinterpreted the concept of the alliance and eventually misled some of the party militants and sympathizers. On thecontrary, the Alliance between APRC and NPP was done in absolute good faith following consultation with all stakeholders to ensure unity, reconciliation, stability, peace and progress of the nation.
Let me hasten to say that, APRC is one party andshall remain united for the betterment of its militants, well-wishers and sympathizers.
In the circumstance, I call on all militants and sympathizers to unite and safeguard the ideals and achievements. It is time for us all to continue to support national development, progress and prosperity of our dear nation.
Let us all recall that, there were numerous development projects and programs executed by the APRC government during our tenure of 20 years. These development agendas shall not be abandoned, rather, we should collaborate with the government of the day in consolidating and building on those gains for a better Gambia.
My fellow APRC militants and well-wishers, To achieve this vision of a United APRC for better Gambia, Party militants across the country and in the diaspora must recommit themselves and be willing to make sacrifices for the realisation of this vision.
Our shared aim is to contribute gainfully in the development agenda of our motherland; end the misconception and unite all our green family. I am determined to provide leadership towards the attainment of these noble objectives. A united APRC has tremendous potential to bring aboutnational growth and development. Indeed, APRC is one party assembled by divine providence and held together for the past 27 years by our shared bond and belief in our political ideology for a brighter future for us and generations to come.
As we will be rolling out an all-out inclusive action plan for 2024-2025, I call upon my National Executive, regional Chairpersons, Constituency Chairpersons, our Diaspora branches, and all other political stakeholders to focus critically on these agenda for the realization of a united APRC for a better Gambia. I also urge our stakeholders to enlighten grass root militants that even as we experience our trying times, APRC remains one indivisible party.
My Party militants,
As I conclude, I would like to profoundly thank the able National Executive Committee for their courage, loyalty and unwavering support in steering the affairs of the party for the good of all.
To the dynamic team in the diaspora, please accept on behalf of the masses and my humble behalf our gratitude and endless appreciation for all the support and wise words of wisdom and encouragement. Our people in the diaspora are critical in our strive towards achieving our goal.
Furthermore, I wish to thank the Regional, Constituency, Ward and sub–ward structures, Mobilization team, women and youth wings, elder’s council and yai compins of the party for their unwavering support and commitment.
May I sincerely use this opportunity to thank and express our appreciation and gratitude to His Excellency, Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic and Secretary General of our alliance partner, The National People’s Party for his support and to the entire NPP and coalition partners.
Finally, I pray for a prosperous and happy 2024 to you all. May Allah (S.W.T) grant us all the best for us, our families, our party and the nation.
Hon. Speaker Fabakary Tombong Jatta
Chairman and Party Leader