On behalf of the UDP National Executive Committee and Secretary General and Party Leader, I write to kindly ask all Gambians to uphold and share our nation’s commitment to harmonious relations between our major religions.

It is rather unfortunate that Mr. Momodou Sabally has made personal statements that the Gambia Christian Council found unacceptable and derogatory to their faith. As a National Executive Commitee member, Mr. Sabally ought to know better than to make statements that may be interpreted as offensive or inappropriate to communities, individuals or organizations or attributtable to the UDP.
To be clear, UDP upholds the Gambia’s priceless heritage of peaceful coexistence with our Christian brothers and sisters. Consequently, the United Democratic Party unreservedly disassociates itself from the comments made by Mr. Sabally.
Finally, on behalf of the National Executive Committee, Secretary General and the entire membership of the UDP, we tender our sincere apologies for any offense caused to the Christian community by this matter.
Tombong Saidy
Admin Secretary, Media and Communications.