Paulo Djabi, Nandine Pereira, Mamadu Djabi, and Secuna DJabi, who are on trial for 15 counts of drug-related offenses and money laundering, were granted parole yesterday by the chief magistrate of the Kanifing Court, Jabang.
In granting bail, the magistrate enumerated the following conditions: the first and second defendants were each granted bond in the amount of D1 million or with four Gambian sureties in the same amount. Likewise, the third and fourth defendants were granted parole in the amount of D300,000 or with two Gambian sureties (totaling D1,000,000).
The sureties must also submit an affidavit of means confirming their ability to pay the specified bond amount and deposit their identification cards with the court registrar.
Thirdly, the accused were required to turn over all of their travel documents to the court registrar until the case is heard and decided.
However, despite satisfying all parole conditions, the police and DLEAG reportedly pursued the accused for re-arrest, according to the information obtained.