A panel of detectives from the Serious Investigative Unit (SIU) questioned Sheriffo Baiyo Sonko on Friday at the Kairaba Police Station. Sonko was reportedly questioned on a complaint that two Police Intervention Unit (PIU) officers had made against him. Sonko will be held overnight at the PIU office in Kanifing for further interrogation as part of the ongoing investigation into the allegation. According to our sources, the investigation panel informed Sonko that Badou Jeng and Malick Saine, two PIU officers who submitted the complaint, said that Sonko’s recent Facebook remarks had made them and their families fearful for their safety. Sources claim that the panel asked Sonko to explain a particular Facebook post during the interview in which he said, “We shall win this fight.” According to reports, Sonko clarified that the context of his comments was his political party’s steadfast attempts to win the next elections. Momodou Sabally is now in Kairaba Police Station after being summoned in for questioning about a Facebook post he authored. As at the time of publication, the police have not indicated whether Sonko or Sabally would face any charges.