Saturday, October 26, 2024
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City of Banjul


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Call on the new government to take a clear stand on the issue and publicly announce and strengthen the legislation on FGM. Female Genital Mutilation is a procedure where the female genital organs are intentionally altered or injured for non-medical reasons. It is often carried out on young girls between infancy and age 15. According to the UN, more than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone FGM in 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Middle East where it is mostly concentrated.

From a Gambian context, research shows that 75% of women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 years have undergone FGM. Despite this escalating prevalence, FGM is seen by many as a right of passage, cleanliness and a way of preserving dignity and social status. However, it has been found that FGM has no health benefits for girls and women and can cause severe bleeding, urinary problems, cysts, infections, complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths as well as psychological problems. FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls and women and is condemned by many international treaties and conventions as well as by national legislations in various countries.
In December 2015, The National Assembly passed the anti-FGM law, criminalising the act of FGM, with up to three years imprisonment as a penalty. With a newfound democracy and of course a new government, the issue of FGM has reemerged for the law to be scrapped with prominent Islamic leader Abdoulie Fatty leading the crusade.
We have also seen the way Imam Abdoulie Fatty and The Supreme Islamic Council and several imams and Oustass at home and abroad came to the defence of the two Niani Bakadagi women who were convicted for practicing female circumcision. Imam Abdoulie Fatty even went further to pay their fines, and then openly call on Muslims to violate the Women’s Act to practice FGM. They issued threats against anybody, or any institution standing against FGM and prayed that bad omen befalls them.
This has led to the The National Assembly Member for Baddibu Central, Sulayman Saho, moved the motion of the day to repeal the ban justifying by calling on all the National Assembly Members to repeal the ban:
“This is creating discord among those who practice it as a culture and religion. To my opinion, it should be a matter of choice rather than banning the act. Because of the funding being received from the West, if you are with the opinion that it affects the health of women, why not you support them with materials to promote hygiene and sanitation?” The National Assembly Member for Baddibu Central, Mr. Sulayman Saho
Followed by other National Assembly members:
“This House will bury the FGM law.I am calling on all Members of this House to come up with a private bill to repeal the law on FGM,” National Assembly Member, Foni Kansala, Mr. Almammi Gibba
“I am ashamed to face men; being a Muslim to discuss such. We cannot condemn our tradition. Even the whites have their own tradition. We cannot impose what the people are not in for. They should not be segmented on it.” The National Assembly Member for Foni Berefet Ms. Amie Colley
“These activists have caused us a lot. Now they want to use us. We are not for it. We are Muslims and we must practice it. I must teach my children and my neighbours.” The National Assembly Member, Lower Saloum, Mr. Sainey Jawara
“Our curse is on those behind this, may God destroy them, and anyone who heard about this and is happy our curse is on you from now on until the judgement day. Any group that is behind this, may God destroy you…” Imam Abdoulie Fatty
This followed by the The Supreme Islamic Council issued a fatwa in September 2023 in support of female circumcision saying, “Allah has decreed female circumcision,” and condemning those who denounce the practice, and even calling on “the Government to hold them accountable.” They quoted several unnamed sources to back their claim that FGM is Islamic and must be practiced. Conspicuously they have not quoted any Quranic surah or verse to back their claim.
This year, Febuary 2024, The National Assembly Member, Foni Kanasala , Mr Almanmeh Gibba introduces Women’s Amendment Bill 2024 intended to decriminalise FGM and repeal anti-FGM law. Leading to the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly issuing apublic notice about the new bill stated: “This Bill seeks to lift the ban on female circumcision in The Gambia, a practice deeply rooted in the ethnic, traditional, cultural, and religious beliefs of the majority of the Gambian people. It seeks to uphold religious purity and safeguard cultural norms and values. The current ban on female circumcision is a direct violation of citizens’ rights to practice their culture and religion as guaranteed by the Constitution. Revoking the ban on female circumcision will allow people to indulge in the practice with all its precautions, guided by religion, diligence, and care.” Setting the National Assembly Members to debate The Bill that aims to repeal the anti-FGM law nearly a decade after it was passed.
Whiles all these claims by the Imams, The Supreme Islamic Council, The Members of Parliament claims are different from historical findings and many Islamic scholars confirm that Female circumcision predates Islam, and it is not Islamic. The simple answer to this question is to ask if the daughters and wives of the Holy Prophet underwent female circumcision. Available evidence is that they did not. Hence regardless of how many pieces of Hadith one quotes, the simplest answer to this vexed question is to determine if the Holy Prophet did subject his women to the practice. Since he had not done so then one cannot Islamize FGM in anyway.
What is evident from history and Islamic scholars is that FGM is a cultural practice. One can even find FGM being practiced among ethnic groups or families that are Christian or belong to other faiths further indicating that the practice is purely a cultural practice. For example, Mandinka, Fula, Karoninka, Serere or Jola Muslims and Christians practice FGM even though they belong to different religions. They do so not because of religion but because of their culture. For that matter, there is available evidence that female circumcision has potential harm on women. Apart from that, there is absolutely no religious, health, or moral benefit in female circumcision. It does not make a girl or woman better in any sense. There’s nothing ‘purifying’ about the act. The Quran does not contain specific instructions regarding female circumcision. Unlike male circumcision, which is mentioned indirectly in the Quran through the story of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his sons, there is no parallel mention of female circumcision in the Quran. Many girls die as a result of blood loss or infection and a sizeable group of survivors will experience health problems for the rest of their lives. Is that really what you want for your daughters? Why therefore are The Members of The National Assembly, Imams, The Supreme Islamic Council and Gambian Muslim scholars insisting on subjecting Gambian girls to this harmful practice? Why?
Hence, anyone found justifying the practice of FGM is inevitably promoting violence against and must therefore be dealt with accordingly. It is therefore paramount for the government to commission national FGM awareness campaign focusing on the health and legal aspects of FGM.
As you are celebrating Womens Day The Gambia Members of Parliament are going to be debating a Women’s Amendment Bill 2024 intended to decriminalise FGM and repeal anti-FGM law. Match with us, celebrate with us and other Gambian Human Rights Activists, Gender Activists, Feminists in calling for the The Gambia Government to take a clear stand on the issue and publicly announce and strengthen the legislation on FGM. The Government must also ensure that the law is clear in its definition so that people know what acts or omissions are criminal in nature. Stop The Gambia Members of Parliament from passing the Women’s Amendment Bill 2024 intended to decriminalise FGM and repeal anti-FGM law.
Kindly help sign our petition.
Thank you
Concerned Gender Activists

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